Friday, June 27, 2008

Thoughts from Panera

Hey everybody!

So, I still haven't found a job. Man, it's a hard life. Right now I'm sitting in Panera sipping my refillable hot tea and blogging. It's rough, but somebody's got to do it. Jon and I have been finding plenty of stuff to do, even though I am jobless. :-) One of my new favorite things to do is to help out with the food closet at the church Jon and I go to. It's about a 15 minute walk from our apartment, and it's great to be able to help. Some people that come there are regulars who often have large families and very little income. It's amazing to hear some of their stories. Other people there make a decent income, but have just hit a hard time because of medical expenses or other things, so their money is really tight that week. We give out a lot of food too. On Wednesday when I went to help, there were four people outside the church waiting when the closet opened. We probably served ten people that day in the two hours we were open. It takes a while to serve someone with all the government paperwork that we have to do for each person, so the people there seem to really appreciate any of the help they can get.

There's not really that much more to add. Jon gets off work at noon on Fridays, so we've planned a trip to Virginia Beach today. Always fun! Hey, if any of you want to call/write/email me, I'm always glad to hear from you. (Since I don't have much else to do.) Hope you're all having a great summer and relaxing, etc.



Anonymous said...

thanks for the update and pictures! I hope the rest of your summer goes well.... perhaps you can invite some people over for dinner, from church, as a way to use some of your extra time? or do some reading? or babysitting?

Anonymous said...

(this was Tim G, by the way)

Krista said...

It sounds like you have it pretty tough :). I'm glad you are able to help out some where with some of your extra time. Have fun at the beach.

Teacherperson said...

Very glad of the link to your blog. Ah, the life. I never worked much after I got married. I just sip tea in Panera, too. Yup. Well, at least when I'm with you.