Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Our calling

I just started reading "At the Crossroads" by Charlie Peacock today. Wow! It's a great book so far. I would highly recommend it. It is specifically addressing issues that Charlie sees in the Contemporary Christian music industry, but I think that it applies to underlying issues in the church and also individual Christians.

I was really struck by his discussion of our primary calling as Christians. He spells out this calling as putting Jesus first in all areas of our lives and displaying His character to the world around us. This can only be done through a correct understanding of the Word of God and how it impacts all aspects of our lives. One of Charlie's main points is that the Christian music industry, and I think the church as well, puts too much emphasis on "secondary callings," like careers and "full-time ministry," without a proper focus on the primary calling first. The idea is that God gives all of us secondary callings which are only the means by which we are able to carry out our primary calling.

I think that God is really showing me and Jon through our church involvement and other circumstances that our entire lives need to be focused on glorifying God and living with His character in front of the world and we need to spend less time worrying about our "secondary callings." Those will all work out for good as long as we keep our focus on what is important in our lives.

Anyway, just some thoughts for today.


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